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No Stereotypes has to switch over to a once a week update schedule for a bit while we prepare for a move across the country in 2 months. Ian and I are very excited. Fridays will be NS-day.
Oh, I also got a Google calendar plugged into the site that is a lot easier for me to update and keep track of to communicate with you guys what is going on with the comic and Panel2Panel.com.
In the meantime, you’ll have to enjoy Travis Miller’s new comic Edda, that will be updating on the main site starting a week from today.
art, atom, ceremony, comic, lody, mesopotamia, ns
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And there it is… the plunge into new comics. I’m not sure what my new schedule will be- maybe 3 times a week… but for now, it took me all day figuring out a new program to get this toned and lettered and online. Tomorrow’s comic will be much quicker now that I know how to work the program a bit better.
The biggest jarring change and most noticeable one between the old stuff and the new is the lettering. Also, the tones are a little richer which I think is due to the more painterly quality of Manga Studio versus Photoshop.
It will be interesting. Decompressed storytelling. Wooooo!
atom, ceremony, comic, jody, ns
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Well, that does it- that catches us up. Everything from this point on is new swanky art from my hand- if it sucks- that’s why. If it “doesn’t feel right,” that’s why. So blame time, the changes that happen in age, and my lack of unlimited funds to support this nasty art habit of mine. *slaps inner elbow* Straight to the vein, baby.
atom, ceremondy, grandmother, jody
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This one feels a little crowded, but I think that’s because I’m fighting my translation again… Still, a goofy setup. Inanna Ishtar was the God of gods in the ancient world. She was the goddess of love and hate, the harvest, life and death, judgement, pregnancy, and the mother of all of the other gods. It was from her that the world spring, according to the beliefs of the region of Ur, where this takes place.
atom, ceremony, jody, mesopotamia
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I like that dopey grin on Atom’s face. He looks like a kid here, as compared to his younger grittier self we see at the beginning of the story.
art, atom, comics, jody, mesopotamia, ns, spontaneous
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These costumes were actually based on real Mesopotamian dress that was preserved in relief and stone carvings of the time. I do not know what the robes were for aside from “ceremonial purposes.” So… why not a wedding!