That’s the plan. I’ve written the ending, I just need to draw it. I did not plan on going on a 13-year hiatus from the strip. I was in school at the time and had to put it on the back burner to finish that and once I graduated, I never really got back to this comic. Now I’m working digitally, I have different tools. My style has changed. I look back at all of the amateurish work I did in NS and want to go back and fix it…but what I really need to do is finish the damn thing. About 150-200 strips left and then I’m free of Spons’ curse. I just have to do them.
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No Stereotypes has to switch over to a once a week update schedule for a bit while we prepare for a move across the country in 2 months. Ian and I are very excited. Fridays will be NS-day.
Oh, I also got a Google calendar plugged into the site that is a lot easier for me to update and keep track of to communicate with you guys what is going on with the comic and
In the meantime, you’ll have to enjoy Travis Miller’s new comic Edda, that will be updating on the main site starting a week from today.
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And there it is… the plunge into new comics. I’m not sure what my new schedule will be- maybe 3 times a week… but for now, it took me all day figuring out a new program to get this toned and lettered and online. Tomorrow’s comic will be much quicker now that I know how to work the program a bit better.
The biggest jarring change and most noticeable one between the old stuff and the new is the lettering. Also, the tones are a little richer which I think is due to the more painterly quality of Manga Studio versus Photoshop.
It will be interesting. Decompressed storytelling. Wooooo!
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Wow- okay- so this last week or so of comics have been sitting in the queue patiently waiting since January. If they were anything but paper children they would have starved to death and I would have been charged with neglect! Well, I wasn’t because they have waited oh so much longer than that. Okay- I’ll set up updates for the rest of the week or so and see if I can *gulp* start on new comics again in that time.
Here’s some things to take note of:
- I stopped drawing this comic back in 2008. It is currently 2014- So that’s 6 years between the last comic I drew and the first one I will draw. There is a gap in the story of about 3 years that I will take as an opportune excuse as to “why the art changed styles,” because -it will be different- I can’t control that. I can try and draw like my ol’ self again, but I’m a better artist now. So it will be in the same spirit of the old art, but… more refined, I hope. Within that period of time I changed as a person. I moved back to my home country, attended and graduated from a private art school, worked on movies, won some awards for them, worked on a LOT of scripts, and did some stand up comedy. My writing has changed because I’ve done a LOT of writing, a LOT of reading, and a LOT of research in that time. My brain expanded when my mind exploded. And that happened too, my brain exploding. Something I might go over another time, but know- I’m good now. I know I’m bi-polar- I have coping strategies I didn’t have 6 years ago when I stopped making this comic. I’m finishing the damn thing *fist shake of determination*, and that’s the important thing.
- I do not have Photoshop currently, which is the program I used to color the old strips. I do have Manga studio which is a fantastic program, but extremely different in its application. I also have a much smaller Wacom tablet than the one I was using before, which means my strokes will feel different to the eye because they will be constricted into a smaller space. Different tools means different shading technique.
- I don’t know if I can get the same fonts again.
- Everything from before remains! All the typos- the bad art, the rough edges and crowded pages- all of it remains. I might recolor and re-letter an HD version if I ever print NS, but that was who I was when I made these comics- those were the comics I made. it would be dishonest to fix them retroactively because I’m too much of a perfectionist to let my own younger-self’s bad art go. I’ve matured enough on my own to accept that.
Prologue: The Pact
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Ah, No Stereotypes. I’m not going to lie; I’ve been working on this story for a very long time. I first started doodling these characters in High School and on through college and finally art school. I will finish this story. To borrow Sheanon Garrity’s wisdom, I’m considering NS a journeyman’s piece. It is not a complete and perfect story, nor should it be, however it is from the heart and laced with the honesty of that. This is a story where I am figuring out how to draw, and how to write. It is a story I’m figuring out pacing and timing.
Websnark once said a very nice thing about my use of decompressive storytelling in this comic. He has a new website so check it out. I think it’s because I tend to read a lot of manga from Japan and Korea growing up and picked up those habits.
Anyway, enjoy. 🙂