That’s the plan. I’ve written the ending, I just need to draw it. I did not plan on going on a 13-year hiatus from the strip. I was in school at the time and had to put it on the back burner to finish that and once I graduated, I never really got back to this comic. Now I’m working digitally, I have different tools. My style has changed. I look back at all of the amateurish work I did in NS and want to go back and fix it…but what I really need to do is finish the damn thing. About 150-200 strips left and then I’m free of Spons’ curse. I just have to do them.
Long overdue…
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I have a pile of clean white comic paper, a new spiffy scanner, a script written, new technology, and scheduled time. It has been over 5 years since I stopped making this comic. In the same amount of time I have seen the careers sore of friends of mine. I graduated school. We’ve had a black president. There was a lot of moving around the country and career changes. But here I am. Back at my art table. Making comics.
Let’s do this.
New comics start on 8/18/2015. I’ll be keeping a tri-weekly schedule to start, updating Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday to work in tandum with other updates.
Are you ever going to finish this story, Amber?
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Yes. Yes, I am. Right now we’re still in a transitional period between moving from California to Colorado and I don’t have my office set up yet. It will be finished by 2016. Oh yes, this I promise. The Livestream file (linked below) is no longer up, so you’ll have to wait for me to break down the recording like I did on the main portion of the site. More to come in time.
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There are about one-hundred and fifty comics left before the end. I shall take a year to do them, doing about 3 a week with some breaks. It’ll just take that much time… to the time ahead. Writing, writing…